On any given day, Brent can be found sifting through spreadsheets, reports, and complex sources of data. He loves the challenge presented by complex numbers.
On any given day, Brent can be found sifting through spreadsheets, reports, and complex sources of data. He loves the challenge presented by complex numbers.

Data exists on nearly every aspect of business and human behavior – ranging from sales volumes to what is the most popular pizza. Although it surrounds us, Brent Bogar has some important advice about the best ways to use data.
The Big Sky County Water & Sewer District was facing some hard realities and planning for the future was in progress. See how using data to drive decision making helped make this project a success, and provide important insight for stakeholders and leaders at the District.
A certified news enthusiast, Heather spends her days listening to the conversation and identifying trends or themes with target audiences.
A certified news enthusiast, Heather spends her days listening to the conversation and identifying trends or themes with target audiences.

Are you thinking about launching a survey to gather useful data about people’s opinions or experiences?
Here are some of our best practices to make sure your survey data is useful, informative and has an impact.
Whether you have a specific project, initiative or simply want to connect, here are 25 ideas that can be done outdoors or online.
The City of Burnsville, MN, was looking to implement a new brand to connect their community and transofrm their place. Using survey data, a brand was developed and continues to drive conversations.
Andrea thrives on building plans and strategies that will result in successful endeavors. Her superhero power is finding the balance between a budget and big, ambitious goals.

A Communications Plan may be utilized for a small initiative or project to a large-scale community-wide engagement effort. Either way, a Communications Plan is a great way to articulate goals, clearly define audience and message, and outline accountability.
Strategic thinking is not only a process that creates a better work and community, it can benefit personal growth. Take time to challenge what you think you know.
The City of South St. Paul, MN, was looking for a strategic way to approach communicating with their community. See how our work connected with diverse audiences and brought forward a clear, concise message.
Nicole is a brand master with the Brand Standards to prove it. She specializes in finding the true nature of an organization and making a visual identity and brand to match.

A brand is more than just a logo and colors. A brand goes beyond marketing, it is a culture, a feeling, an identity. Branding reflects the peoples, places, and community that it represents. A brand should be instantly recognizable, spark positive emotion, and create an impression that speaks to who you are.
Whether you grew out of that tight little mini skirt or you started a new career, did you look at yourself and think “this image no longer represents me.” Brands are no different. Over time, your City or Utility brand may need a refresh. How can you tell when it’s time for a rebrand?
The City of Burnsville completed an Economic Development Strategic Plan in which they are looking to redevelop portions of the City and attract businesses and workforce. As support to this Strategic Plan, AE2S Communications worked with the City to create an authentic brand.
Mike is a website builder with a tendancy to go the extra step to make sure a site is user-friendly and engaging.

For websites with much content and pages, try “wireframes”, or a wire frame tools like Adobe XD, so you can organize and prioritize content. Many wireframe tools will allow you to simulate the responsive resize from desktop, to tablet, to mobile phone. This process comes BEFORE the design process, yet helps tremendously when it comes time to design the website.
Imagine visiting a webpage looking for information and only getting half of it. What if your users couldn’t find the call-to-action link you intended for them or learn about an important event? Read about the best ways to prevent that from happening to you., and how to make sites in-line with ADA and accessibility guidelines.
Our team used results from the survey to determine what features were most important to GGFYP members on the website. Members wanted a better calendar, easy to find information about the organization, and a streamlined sign up process. See how the end product met their needs.
From the ground or the sky, Cody spends his time finding ways to tell stories that will engage, empower, and move viewers to act.
From the ground or the sky, Cody spends his time finding ways to tell stories that will engage, empower, and move viewers to act.

One of the most important steps in the video creation process is creating a storyboard. It serves as the blueprint that keeps your message on track and ensures it’s sending the right message. Follow along below as we cover the steps needed to create your own video storyboard from start to finish!
The good news for communicators is mobile video has become easier than ever before to create. While there’s still a time and place for professional videographers, the smartphones in our pockets have unlocked the possibility to record and document anything, anywhere.
The FM Area Diversion Project is a large and complicated effort to bring permanent flood protection to communities at risk. The Fargo Moorhead region has struggled with the risk of flooding for decades and efforts to protect residents have led to the development of this project. A key part of that effort was video production.
Alizjah thrives on curating the most relevant content that leaves followers coming back for more.

State what you want to accomplish and get to the point that you are achieving your dreams with this helpful template.
Simply put, goals that are not SMART goals are not smart. SMART goals are a great tool to help you get the most out of your initiatives. SMART goals help to provide a strong focus and clear definition while helping to keep you on track and stay motivated.
This initiative was a county wide public and private entity effort that was requested by local HR professionals, who needed a way to share with future employees what life really is like in the region.