The team at AE2S Communications partnered with Ohnstad Twichell Attorneys to develop a short overview of open meetings in North Dakota during this time of social distancing.
… Open Meetings in North Dakota during Social Distancing & COVID-19
The team at AE2S Communications partnered with Ohnstad Twichell Attorneys to develop a short overview of open meetings in North Dakota during this time of social distancing.
… Open Meetings in North Dakota during Social Distancing & COVID-19
It’s been said that the number one fear of most people isn’t of heights, or death, or bugs, or clowns. The number one fear of Americans is public speaking. … The Most Important Thing to Giving a Successful Media Interview
While North Dakota law outlines the bare minimum required for giving notice to the public about a meeting, we encourage a little bit more proactive approach. … North Dakota Open Meetings