Category: Design

Happy World Graphic Design Day! 
One of our talented graphic designers is having fun celebrating World Graphic Design Day! He recreated famous logos, but with an engineering twist of course! What one is your favorite?

Why We’re Big Fans of Brand Standards
A lot of time and effort goes into crafting your brand, and the strategy behind choosing the perfect typeface, colors, and other design elements that communicate your brand’s identity is no small part. … Why We’re Big Fans of Brand Standards

How Do You Know When it’s Time to Rebrand?
Oh the days where you would rock your acid washed jeans with a hypercolor t-shirt and neon fanny pack. Your perm plastered with a full can of aqua net and the smell of cucumber melon filling the air. Do you remember the moment you looked in the mirror and realized that this style no longer fit you? … How Do You Know When it’s Time to Rebrand?

5 Tips to Avoid a Logo Catastrophe
Whether you’re a public entity, a private company, or a one-person specialty shop peddling handmade macaroni art out the back of your mother’s minivan, your brand is the very first thing consumers experience. … 5 Tips to Avoid a Logo Catastrophe

Anatomy of Font – The PG-13 Version
Crotch. Spur. Lobe. Bowl. Aside from tittle (also known as the dot above some lowercase letters), the anatomy of typography isn’t particularly sexy or memorable. … Anatomy of Font – The PG-13 Version